Friday, September 23, 2011

#42 Make 101 Goals

This was the cost.

Two-and-a-half weeks in

So far, I've lost about 3 pounds.  I've upped my exercising a little bit, but I'd really like to be doing it every day.  To do that though, I need to wake up at 5:30 and to do that, I've got to be in bed and going to sleep by 10:30 at the very latest. 

So, in other news, I'm going to try and watch my calories/consumption more closely.  I just calculated my caloric needs per day and it comes to 2344. 

So now, I need to keep track of what I eat for a week and see how close I'm coming to that mark.

Breakfast: 2 1/2 whole grain waffles w/Nutella = 700 Calories (Oh MY!)
                8 oz V8 fusion= 120 calories
Snack: 1 pear = 96 calories
Lunch: fresh tomato sauce with hamburger and penne pasta
Snack: Chocolate Chip cookies
Dinner: Green Salad w/chicken, tomatoes, cheese

Thursday, September 8, 2011

90 Days

Okay, I have a hard time sticking to any kind of diet/exercise plan.  However, as of September 4, I have 90 days to kick it into gear and get in shape.  Why 90 days from September 4th you ask?  Because in 90 days, my baby will be one year old.  I gained upwards of 50 lbs in that pregnancy after only losing 40 from the previous 50 lbs. gain.  I've managed to lose about 30 lbs since Jake's birth, but I need to lose about another 30 to be where I want to be. 

So...90 days.  That's 12.9 weeks.  Being realistic, I should be able to lose 2 lbs a week while still nursing and being healthy.  So that's about 26 lbs which would put me very near my ultimate goal.  There are a few hurdles between now and then, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc.  but mainly my goal is to learn new, healthier eating and exercising habits. 

The Plan
Eat smaller portions of everything!
Focus more on fruits/vegetables, protein. 
Exercise daily.  

I might need to re-arrange or re-examine The Plan but for now that's it.  Wish me luck!