Sunday, May 27, 2012


I'm not sure when or where I heard about golden birthdays and golden years, probably in Elementary school. All I remember is that the year you turn the age of your date of birth is your "Golden Year". One of the best years of your life. I remember being annoyed that mine was so far in the future and have looked forward to being 27 almost as long as I can remember. Today is that day. The beginning of my Golden year. However, rather than sit around and expect this to be the best year of my life and ending up disappointed, I've made a few plans. First, I want to remember this year I've waited so long for. So, I will be taking a picture each day. Hopefully something good and memorable. Second, I want to write in my journal once a week reflecting gratefully on my blessings. And finally, I want to give thanks to my Father in Heaven each night. I hope and have faith that doing these things will help me make this anticipated year well worth remembering. Allez!


  1. You are lucky your golden birthday is when you are older. Mine was when I turned 4. Do I remember any of it, not really. I hope you have a great year! I know you will!

  2. Happy Birthday Meagan!!! You are such a fantastic lady. I know I'm late to the party, but better late than never, right?! I love reading your blog about your thoughts, and appreciate how honest and direct you are about the tough times in motherhood and the wonderful blessings that do come along with it. You capture it perfectly. Moms sacrifice a lot quietly so that their families can go about running smoothly and function as well as they can. Well done!!! And Happy BirthdaY! i hope your golden year is your best yet!
