Sunday, February 6, 2011


That's funny.  I don't think I wrote down what I ate once.  A little bit sad.  However, this week will be a good one to do that for.  I've officially lost 10 pounds from where I started after Jake was born.  That's great, but I still don't have many clothes that fit well or look good.  Jake's blessing is in two weeks and I think that if I am careful about what I eat and exercise daily until then that I can be in a much better condition.  So, the plan is to write down what I eat and not eat treats except for Wednesdays and Sundays.  I will probably bake a fair amount on those days.  Ha ha!

On to my other goals.   I've still not missed a day reading my scriptures!  One month down and eleven to go!  It feels really good to have done it.  Sadly, I can't say the same for my prayer habits.  I want to do better there.  I know that when I say my morning prayers I am a better mom and a better person in general. 
This week:  I will say my prayers every morning as soon as I get up.  They might be a little bit sleepy, but it will establish a routine. 

Physical:  It's been rough.  I've been making a conscious effort to try.  This week I did squats as I sorted laundry (and was sore for a few days), jogged to the park on Tuesday and did some walking on Wednesday.  That's about it. 
This week:  I will do Pilates 3x's a week from my book, and cardio 3x's.  I want to also do some kind of metabolism jump-start during the kids naps, even if it's only for 10-15 minutes. 

Personal:  I did pretty well about blogging and picture taking.  I only missed on Saturdays.  I need to keep looking for opportunities and situations to take them.  I did pretty well getting ready for the day though. 
This week:  Take pictures and get ready.  That's a pretty big goal considering I'm teaching preschool.

Mother:  Keep listening.  I'm trying and I do notice a difference when I do.  I do need to make a lot more time for reading with the girls though.

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